We’re know that many of you have found it difficult to get hold of Rice Dream recently, and we're sorry about this. We know many consumers really rely on our products and we understand why you may be feeling frustrated.
Currently, the only major retailer stocking our products is Sainsbury’s. Unfortunately we can’t control which stores get stock, so we recommend you try your local store or contact Sainsbury’s Customer Services directly. Also, it may be that you find that stores which are getting stock sell out quickly due to high demand.
You may also find stock available from health food retailers. They do not buy directly from us, but from wholesalers, so we’re unable to provide a list of stockists. Also, some third party sellers have our products available on Amazon, but they set the price and you may find that you pay more than you’re used to - unfortunately we also have no way of controlling this.
We’re also working on a few changes at the moment that we think you should know about.
Firstly, you may have already noticed that some of our products have been rebranded as “Dream Joya”, and shortly will just be called “Joya”. This is because we no longer own the rights to the Dream brand, however we do retain ownership of the recipes. With the new brand name you may also notice that the packaging will look slightly different. This new look is the only difference, though – we have not changed the recipe in any way, and our allergen statements will remain the same as they are made in the same factory, so please be assured that the contents are exactly the same.
We are pleased to announce that from 28th August 2023 consumers are able to buy our products online via Amazon.com. We’re confident this will mean our consumers can get hold of our products much more easily.
Thanks for your patience and we hope you manage to get hold of some cartons soon.
If you have any questions, please drop us an email via our contact us page.